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 Superintendent Comments

Corbin Educational Community,

Where did the summer go? I really don’t know, but I have been asking that question since I was 10 years old, and I have answered it the same way every year. I do know that we have never had a busier or more impactful summer than the one we are currently finishing up in our office. We have hired new principals at three of our larger schools (Corbin Elementary – Liberty Roberts, Corbin Middle – Evan Robinson, and Corbin High School – Shannon Dixon). We then had to add four assistant principals (Daniel Lowe – Corbin Elementary, Brent Jackson – Corbin Middle, and two at the High School – Candy Jones and Jeremy Hart), while adding a grades 2-3 instructional leader as well. We participated with the Kentucky Department of Education in the hiring of the new Area Technology Center principal – Josh Watkins also. In addition, our district welcomes nearly 20 new teachers as well and a new Safety Director (Chris Webb).
It may be of interest to you to know we employ 195 certified teachers and have a total of 400 employees in our district. Our district enrollment continues to grow and we will likely hit the 3,000 student mark by the beginning of school on August 26. Corbin is currently the sixth largest independent school district in the state. We are continually blessed by the quality of students and staff we are able to work with in our district.
We are currently still involved in various construction projects: Campbell Field Phase II, the Athletic Commons (Track, Cross-Country, Tennis and Softball), Don House Field improvements (Baseball) and Mary Hines Field improvements (Softball), Corbin High School renovations/additions (auxiliary gym, Freshman wing, roof and HVAC work) to name a few. The vision of our Board, and the continued generosity of our community will allow our students to have facilities that are comparable to any in the state for decades to come.
Academically we are coming off of a year that saw our district finish in the upper 1% of all districts in Kentucky in reference to state testing, as well as a graduating class the netted over 4 million dollars in scholarship money for at least the fourth year in a row. Our ACT scores for juniors went up 1.1 points reaching a 20.4 composite average for Corbin High School. A huge thank-you to our teachers, students and staff for their efforts.
Corbin is a very special place, and has been for a long time. We are truly humbled and thankful for the relationships we have with our educational community, our city and all of the Redhounds scattered throughout the world. I am extremely optimistic about the future of Corbin schools and look forward in particular to the coming year. Thanks again to everyone who entrusts our district with your children. I hear all the time about the youth of our country not being what they should be, or even what they were in the past. I respectfully disagree with that idea, and ask those folks to spend some time with our kids. I hope you all have a great year, and may God continue to bless our district.

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