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At Corbin Independent Schools, we offer a variety of programs for your student to explore and participate in. Our programs strive to enhance your student's productivity, ingenuity, and teamwork/communication skills. 

The Corbin Independent School District also offers a variety of athletic opportunities, clubs, and activities at each school. These can be viewed on individual school pages.

21st Century 

21st Century Community Learning Program


This program provides academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours. The program helps students meet state and local student standards in core academic subjects such as reading and math; offers students a broad array of enrichment activities that can complement their regular academic programs; and offers literacy and other educational services to the families of participating children.


Contact Jill C. Jones at or 523-3612 for more information.

 Referral Corbin Primary School - 


Referral Corbin Middle School -   


Referral Corbin High School -     


Referral Corbin Elementary School -

Academic Teams

The Corbin School District offers a variety of academic clubs for grades 3-12 including:

  • Governors Cup

  • Science Olympiad

  • Odyssey of the Mind

  • History Bowl

  • Math Counts

  • Kentucky Youth Assembly (KYA)

  • Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA)

  • Debate Club

AP &
Dual-Credit Offerings

Corbin High School offers dual-credit courses through Eastern Kentucky University and the University of the Cumberlands. The dual-credit program gives students the opportunity to earn up to 34 college hours:

  • U.S. History

  • English Composition

  • Chemistry

  • College Algebra

  • Criminal Justice

  • Basic Psychology

  • World Civilization

  • Political Science

Corbin High School offers 10 AP classes:

  • AP Biology

  • AP Chemistry

  • AP Calculus

  • AP Statistics

  • AP U.S. History

  • AP Government

  • AP Physics.

All Corbin AP teachers have attended AP training in their specific content area. Contact the CHS Guidance Office at (606) 538-3902 or click here for more information.

Area Technology Center

The Corbin Area Technology Center is located on the campus of Corbin High School and houses programs such as:

  • Electricity

  • Engineering/Aerospace

  • Welding

  • Criminal Justice

  • Automotive Technology

  • Health Science

  • EMT/Fire

Many of these programs offer college credits or occupation certification. Contact the Area Technology Center at (606) 528 - 5338 or

click here for more information. 

The Corbin School District has more than 50 Arts, Humanities, and

Practical Living Offerings. We have expanded these programs to be more performance-based while still teaching the core content in these areas.

We believe increased participation in these programs enhances the core content areas and exposes students of Southeastern Kentucky to the arts.

Arts, Humanities,
& Practical Living

The Corbin School District has more than 50 Arts, Humanities, and

Practical Living Offerings. We have expanded these programs to be more performance-based while still teaching the core content in these areas.

We believe increased participation in these programs enhances the core content areas and exposes students of Southeastern Kentucky to the arts.

ASPIRE Program

The ASPIRE program provides educational services for students in a specialized setting that promotes character education and credit recovery.

Contact Chris Webb at or (606) 528-1303

​for more information.

Extended School Services (ESS)

Our district offers Extended School Services two days a week on

Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4:30 PM. At Corbin High School, services are also offered from 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM, Monday - Friday. Students will be referred to ESS by their classroom teachers.

Family Resource / Youth Service Center

Our Family Resource and Youth Service Centers provide a multitude of services to assist students and families. The goal of the Family Resource and Youth Service Centers is to meet the needs of all children and their families who reside in the community. The Family Resource Center is located at Corbin Primary and Corbin Elementary. There are Youth Service Centers located at Corbin Middle and Corbin High School.

For more information, visit their Facebook Page

Our Family Resource and Youth Service Centers provide a multitude of services to assist students and families. The goal of the Family Resource and Youth Service Centers is to meet the needs of all children and their families who reside in the community. The Family Resource Center is located at Corbin Primary and Corbin Elementary. There are Youth Service Centers located at Corbin Middle and Corbin High.

For more information, click here to visit their Facebook page.


The Food Service Program strives to provide nutritious meals for students in a clean, attractive environment. Encouraging good eating habits and an understanding of good nutrition is important to the development of all students.


For more information, visit

Gifted & Talented

We offer a variety of acceleration and enrichment offerings for students meeting state requirements to receive gifted and talented services for those identified as having high potential in intellectual ability, academic aptitude, visual and performing arts, creativity, and leadership.

Contact Lori Jones at or 

(606) 528-1303 ​for more information.

Home / Hospital Services

Home and Hospital Services are offered to students who encounter a situation where they are unable to attend school due to medical reasons. We can provide a teacher to visit the home and keep the student on pace with school work.

Contact Mark Daniels at or (606) 528-1303 ​

for more information.

PLTW / Gateway to Technology

Corbin High School offers Project Lead The Way (PLTW), a national program that addresses the shortage of engineers. Gateway to Technology classes are offered at Corbin Middle School as a precursor to the PLTW program. Each program offers pre-engineering courses such as Digital Electronics, Engineering Design and Development, Principles of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering. Students can earn college credit at universities such as UK, Purdue, or other certified engineering schools.

Contact Josh Watkins at

or (606) 528-5338 for more information.

Project Fit America

Project Fit America is a grant received by Corbin Elementary School and Corbin Middle School. The grant provides a researched-based physical fitness program to help promote a healthy lifestyle for students. The grant is a partnership between our district and Baptist Health Corbin.

Redhound Enrichment

The Redhound Enrichment Program is an afterschool and

summer program. The program provides daily tutoring, academic reinforcement, and enrichment opportunities for students until 5:00 PM. The program is offered to students in grades K - 5.

The summer learning program is recognized as a NATIONAL leader at the forefront of summer learning.

Contact Jill Jones at

or (606) 523-3612 for more information.

Redhound Theatre

The Redhound Theatre program provides award-winning stage shows for students and our community. Corbin High School is recognized state-wide as a leader in the performing arts. Students from Corbin High, as well as our middle and elementary schools, participate in three major theatre productions each year. All theatre productions are held at the Corbin High School Betty Hamilton Center for the Arts.

Contact Rebecca Liford-Hibbard at or (606) 528-3902 for more information.

Remediation Programs

We use several research-based strategies to enhance learning for struggling learners as well as those achieving at a higher level.

Students are afforded opportunities to work at their own pace with these programs while being guided and monitored by content-specific staff. Reading Recovery is a remediation program implemented at Corbin Primary School. The program was recently recognized as the most effective team in our region based on current data. Corbin High School incorporates credit recovery and drop-out recovery programs in a high school environment. These remediation programs focus on a specific population of students who have unique needs.

(Response To Intervention)

We have implemented an effective RTI program throughout the district using multiple universal screeners including:

  • MAP (Measures of Academic Progress)

  • Common Assessments

  • Read 180

  • Scholastic Reading Inventory.

This process was developed and implemented by an RTI committee of a least fifteen people representing all schools and levels of participation.

Redhound Print Shop

Corbin High School offers school-based enterprises operated by

Corbin Schools and employed by Corbin students. The Redhound Print shop specializes in supplying invitations, business images, posters, brochures, menus, and other print items. 

Contact Kelly Allen at or

(606) 528-4067 for more information.

Work Ethic Seal Program

We have partnered with the Southern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce and Williamsburg Independent Schools to implement the Work Ethic Seal Program. As sophomores, students are introduced to the three-year program in a Practical Living Class and proceed through job-training classes taught by community business leaders. Topics such as resumes, job interviews, punctuality, attendance, etc. are covered with a “real world” emphasis. Students earn scholarship money as well as recognition in this program.

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